Sunday, January 15, 2012

New Year Grit

1. Cook better. This is easy. I love cooking. Right now, I am reading and following the Amateur Gourmet. I like him because he used to be a lawyer and he is funny. As we speak, I am cooking this.

2. Make new friends. I am the worst at this. First of all, I don't even like very many people. But when I do like someone, I can't imagine how to begin. But I guess I will try. I might have to read a few books to study up and research friendship making. I am that bad.

3. Make this blog. Self explanatory and better than drinking alone all night.

4. Stick to my budget- save some money. Ugh. I hate this which is why I drive a shitty car, live in a rental and have $XXX,XXX in student loan debt.

5. Read at least one book per month. I'm excited about this one and have been doing pretty good so far.

6. Create a book club. This ties in with number 2 and 5.

7. Be a better mom. I'm already pretty awesome, but it doesn't hurt to improve.

8. Get more cool. This ties together all of the other resolutions, with the only added element that I need to look cooler. So, I guess this is a fashion resolution- lame. But, I dress like an idiot. And it's bringing me down. Since I'm in my early 30s with a limited number of friends, it is hard to know what clothes are cool. I tried and failed in 2011 to research the issue. But, I feel confident that I have stumbled upon some fashion blogs that will help me. I'm not ready to reveal my sources because they're mine! But, once I get cooler, which I inevitably will, I'll probably set them free and give them the credit they deserve.

9. Stop being chubby. This is probably an resolution to exercise, but I didn't want to tie my hands in case they finally come up with one of the pills that makes you skinny. So- to the extent this is requires physical activity, which I hate- I will try to do 30 minutes 3 times a week. I've tried to convince myself that I'm hot this way- a big, beautiful mama. I didn't buy it.

10. Keep my house clean and organized. This might require a subscription to one of those home magazines and a prescription to whatever legal drug(s) I am going to need to make this shit happen.

* Voila! The eggs and potatoes rocked.

*You may note the absence of any career-related goals. That is because I have a whole slew of those kept separately and locked up in my desk. They are there and they are mighty.

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